Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church is a relatively new mission plant congregation in Los Alamos consisting of less than fifty baptized souls. This is a “replant” mission. In 1952, the Rocky Mountain District (known as the Colorado District in those days) planted a mission congregation with a called pastor and a building. The congregation chose the name Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, which was a sister congregation of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. The sanctuary was dedicated on December 12, 1954.

However, in 1970 the congregation was dissolved, the doors were closed, and the district sold property.
On December 12, 1999, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Santa Fe, NM, voted to lay the groundwork for planting a new LCMS mission in Los Alamos County, NM. Then on September 22, 2002, the Voters approved the purchase of land at 2000 Diamond Drive in Los Alamos.
Informal worship services on Saturday evenings began on January 11, 2003. Services were held in the side chapel at the United Church in Los Alamos. Pastor Douglas Escue of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Santa Fe came up to Los Alamos once a month to administer the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Later that year, on April 25, Immanuel Lutheran Church purchased 1 acre of land at 2000 Diamond Drive from Paul and Mary Parker for $260,000. Then on September 7, formal worship services began on Sunday afternoons. Services were held in the side chapel at the United Church in Los Alamos. Pastor Escue led services every Sunday at 1:30 PM which was followed by Sunday School classes. Then on October 27, the Los Alamos Planning Committee was established.
In 2004, Rev. Mark Larson, the Rocky Mountain District Mission Executive, led a Mission Development Workshop on February 7. Later that same month, Dr. Erich Helge, Mr. Bernie Braunschweig, and Mr. Dan Bacon led a Mission Financial Workshop on February 21. Next on
April 24, Rev. Howard Patten and Dr. Erich Helge led a Mission Planning Workshop which revied the demographic study prepared by Rocky Mountain District. Then on July 24, an organizational meeting established a 3-year Sustained Giving Stewardship Emphasis (SGSE) program. This program began on November 14 with SGSE Congregation Commitment event and dinner at St. John’s College in Santa Fe. On December 5, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Santa Fe observed a SGSE Commitment Dedication Sunday. Pledges totaled $300,980 over three years. In addition, the Jean Elder/Elsie Seek memorial gift ($232,000) was presented to the congregation.
In 2005, the First Giving Sunday of the SGSE program took place on January 9. Later that year on March 31, a call committee met with Rev. Golter, RMD president and Rev. Edward Maas, Sandia North Circuit Counselor, to discuss calling an associate pastor to serve the Los Alamos County Mission. On April 24, the Voters of Immanuel Lutheran decided to call Concordia Theological Seminary candidate Brian L. Kachelmeier to be the Associate Pastor of Immanuel with the unique duty of planting the mission in Los Alamos.
On June 26, Brian L. Kachelmeier was ordained into the Office of Holy Ministry and installed as Associate Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, in Santa Fe by Rev. Randy Golter, RMD President.

Formal Divine Services began on Sunday mornings Los Alamos Community Building on July 10, 2005. On September 11, those members involved in the mission work decided on the name “Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Mission.”

On August 28, Redeemer Mission administered its first baptism to Milton Hollen.

In 2006, the Los Alamos Planning Committee chose Robert Habiger Architectural Associates to execute preliminary designs for a site plan and building and to give a cost estimate on July 26. That summer, the Redeemer Mission held its first Vacation Bible School at the Los Alamos Community Building.
In 2007, Sunday morning Divine Services moved from the Los Alamos Community Building to Pinon Elementary School in White Rock on January 1. On Sunday, May 6, the Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Mission dedicated a store front lease space (134 State Road 4, Suite B in White Rock) for the use of regular services.

Then on Sunday, June 10, the Redeemer Mission celebrated a service of dedication for a pulpit, altar, baptismal font, candle sticks, and candelabras. These gifts were given by the Lutheran Deaf Ministry in Lakewood, CO and Faith Lutheran Church in Denver, CO. On November 5, the Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain District approved the Constitution and By-Laws of the Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Mission.

Then on November 11 the Redeemer Mission held its first Voters Meeting electing its first set of officials, which included: Drew Kornreich (President), Mike Haertling (Vice President), Yvonne Krause (Secretary), Ray Krause (Elder), Darrel Bultman (Elder), Nathan Bultman (Elder), and John Elder (Trustee). On December 23, Redeemer Mission dedicated the crucifix above the altar.
In 2008, Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Mission officially became “Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church” and was received as a member congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod on January 6. Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier and Rev. Randy Golter, RMD President led the service of celebration.

41 Baptized Members
27 Communicant Members
15 Families
On April 13, Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier was installed as the first pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church.

In 2010, The Voters Assembly decided to contract Klinger and Mullen design build team to begin the building project on the parcel of land purchased in 2002.

On August 22, Redeemer celebrated a groundbreaking ceremony at 2000 Diamond Dr., Los Alamos, NM.

In 2011, the last Divine Service at the store front lease space in White Rock was held on Sunday, February 27. On March 13, Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church dedicated the new building at 2000 Diamond Dr.

The Rev. Dr. Brian L. Kachelmeier served the saints at Redeemer in Los Alamos from 2005 until 2022.
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier was born in Albuquerque, NM. He graduated from Los Alamos High School in 1990. He received his B. A. in Religious Studies from the University of New Mexico in 1995. He received his M. Div. from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana in 2005. On June 26, 2005 he was ordained into the Holy Ministry at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Santa Fe. He served as Associate Pastor of Immanuel until he was called in 2008 to serve as pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church. He received his D. Min. from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana in 2021.